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December 01, 2011

yule chop

'twas agreed. a grand tree would be needed for the top of the rer adventure mobile, soon to float the streets of bakersfield in its annual christmas parade. the marriage of two dreams -maggie's to hunt for a griswold family christmas tree and jimmy's to timber a tree with an axe- ushered us into the hills to do our christmas chopping. six hours of navigating a treacherous and winding 14 mile mountainous road, with stops along the way to chuck boulders gather tree pods and snap photos of christmas cows, led us to the most beautiful tree that ever was. hunter/gatherer eleanor must have been guided by the voices of angels, for through a darkening forest she found the tree to be. i had my griswold moment, the tree practically illuminated by a beam of heavenly light. jimmy felled the magnificent tree in more or less 20 swings. and the tree achieved its dream of being in a christmas parade.

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